About Me

An engineer by education and an entrepreneur by choice, I am the founder of an online deal discovery platform - Khojdeal. Before being bitten by the entrepreneurial bug, I have worked with amazing companies like Mindtree and Cognizant as a Digital Marketing Consultant.

From consulting Fortune 500 companies on digital transformation to launching a startup, I have seen how digital strategies impact organisations at various stages.

A lot of my free time is spent reading about leadership, culture, startups, marketing and much more. Being a keen follower of the works of Simon Sinek, Subroto Bagchi and Ben Horowitz, I have learnt a lot from them and I try to imbibe the learnings in my professional as well as personal life.

My motto in life:

“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true
that makes life interesting.”
~Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

What inspired me to become an entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurship allows me to do what I LOVE and create a positive impact in this world.

I believe entrepreneurship is a state of mind; a way of thinking. Inspiration to start a company at the age of 23 came from a desire of being around people who were smarter than me. Today, after spending 12 years as a professional, I can confidently say that it has been the best growth hack of my life.
What motivates me everyday to be an entrepreneur is my dream of building a virtue driven organization and getting some really smart people under one roof who can build great things together. This is my 'Just Cause'.

What’s my entrepreneurial journey been like?

Growing up in an upper middle-class family, with both my parents employed in the service sector, I never really thought about becoming an entrepreneur. It just happened after college.
I was lucky enough to get my first job in a startup and that kind of motivated me to start early in life. In 2009, I launched my first startup which was into developing web apps and helping brands get on to social media.
Being a first-generation entrepreneur, I didn't have much leverage of contacts, money or even guiding principles on how to run a startup. It was actually like jumping out of a plane and building a parachute on the go.
Some days were good and some were bad. But they all taught me this one thing; one has to keep growing and learning from failures & successes both.
“Struggles are a part of any journey and that’s what makes it truly worthwhile. As entrepreneurs, we face new challenges almost every day and our job is to find solutions for them.”

What I have learned from my entrepreneurial journey?

A company/startup is an expression of the personality, beliefs & strategy of its core members and that’s why no two startups can be the same.
Even if they are competitors, they would always be unique. And that’s why this journey is more about exploring the inner self than chasing what the competition is doing. If you merely copy the competitors, what’s the point of your existence?

What’s the ideology behind IdeaDecoded?

We are living in exciting times and today anyone can be in business. The tools are much more accessible and affordable. Technology doesn't cost that much. You can work with people who live thousands of miles away.
In spite of all these enablers, most of the people I speak to are stuck with ideas in their head. Some of them even go to the extent of saying this on seeing a successful startup – “Oh I also had this idea and had I acted on it, my startup would be the one getting funded today.”
I just cannot connect with this ideology. So many people have so many ideas, but they mean nothing unless you start building on them. The real deal is in execution and that’s what this blog is all about.
I want to use this platform to give away tools and proven methodologies that you can copy-paste to your business and experience growth.